
Advertise on Total CS

Our tagline "home of all Counter-Strike" is no joke. Total CS is one of the largest Counter-Strike websites in the word.

If you're a gaming, esports or Counter-Strike brand, we can help you reach an engaged gaming audience. Browse our advertising options below or get in touch to find out more!

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Total CS launched in 2018 (under the name Total CS:GO) and quickly grew to become the site it is today. Total CS is part of Dantoo, a UK-based publisher that operates an assortment of gaming apps and websites. If you want to find out more about Total CS, see our about page.

Site Takeover

Take over Total CS with a full-size background placement on desktop and mobile, along with in-page banner ads.

This is our most popular and most impactful advertising option, especially popular among companies looking to up their brand awareness in the CS:GO and esports scene.

Site Takeover example image Click to try!

Reach an ad blocked audience


Weekly impressions

Site Takeover example image Click to try!

Featured Giveaway

Promote a special offer or giveaway on your platform with the Featured Giveaway package.

A Featured Giveaway listing appears on the top of our giveaways page and displays your brand's logo, promotional text and a link to your website (or giveaway page).

When applicable, Featured Giveaways are also sent via email to our users who have opted-in to receive giveaway alerts.

Grow your social presence

Promote an event or special offer

Drive platform sign-ups

Sponsored Marketplace

Make your marketplace stand out by becoming a Sponsored Marketplace on our Skins Database.

As a Sponsored Marketplace, your listing will have a more impactful look and be positioned before the others in our pricing carousels.

You'll only be shown as a Sponsored listing for skins that you available inventory for, meaning you won't pay for clicks that are less likely to convert.

Integrated with your platform

High purchase intent

Promoted Skin Trading Sites

Put your Skin Trading Site above the rest - both literally and figuratively - with this package.

The Promoted Position makes your listing larger, more colorful and positions it above listings that aren't Promoted, resulting in an increase in visibility and clicks.


Increase in CTR (estimated)

High purchase intent

Get In Touch

We work with companies of all sizes: from the largest brands in the gaming to small startups. Fill out the form below to get in touch and see how we can deliver results for your product!